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№219 от 21 ноября
МИР ИНТЕРНЕТА: Виртуальные номера: что это и для чего они нужны

№218 от 28 августа
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The Open Space of Civilizations, Jordan – Festival Program

Dear friends and colleagues,


We would like to invite you to an international festival of creativity and relaxation, the Journey to Jordan, to be held using the Open Space format. From time to time we find ourselves at a crossroads, faced with personal and professional opportunities for growth. This event will no doubt make it possible to see how to find to overcome personal and organizational challenges.


In this time of so-called crisis it is important to stop for a moment and think- in a spirit of creativity - to reflect on what we’ve been done. It is important to develop a broad view of one’s future, to uncover new ideas for developing one’s business using the collective knowledge of the group. Jordan is a crossroads for many civilizations. It is an historic power spot and bears the accumulated energy of many cultures and peoples.


People from many cultures have sought to come here. Each person has made their own journey to Jordan. In this place of commerce and cross-cultural communication, in this land of the beginnings of different spiritual traditions of contemporary man, we are apt to see the world in a special way. We discover new sources of inner strength, we develop a different inner vision. We come to see with fresh eyes our habitual patterns. And we develop creative plans for success in work and life.


Artist and writer Lev Zhemchuzhnikov encountered legends of live and dead water in the Jordan River Valley. These were stories of how water transformed the body and soul of man. The live flow of the Jordan River with the waters of the Dead Sea he describes as a merging of life with death. Participants of the Journey to Jordan Festival will have an opportunity to visit the baptism site of Jesus Christ, experience the cosmic weightlessness of the water of the Dead Sea, experience the healing qualities of live and dead water, and return home inspired and with expanded awareness.


The Festival program makes it possible to enjoy the natural surroundings, the cultural sites of interest, and discuss personal and professional issues, challenges, and opportunities – all at the same time. The hopes and expectations of all participants who have made a conscious choice to go on this journey to Jordan in November in the off-peak season will be met. Each participant will be able to add to the agenda for discussion those items of any interest and share their knowledge. Everyone will be able to make a professional contribution towards meeting the aims of the Festival. We all will have the opportunity to collaborate in developing the program.


The principle of openness which guided participation in the Open Space for Business and Investment Conference in Jordan in 2007 (ссылка) will be essential to this event too.


Anyone interested in this Festival is welcome to travel virtually to this historical and biblical places and prepare oneself mentally for this event by clicking here and here.


The festival will take place from 13 to 20 November 2009 года in Jordan.


Open some new space within yourself in the search for ideas and success.




The Open Space of Civilizations - Festival Program


Dead Sea and Red Sea, Jordan

13-19 November 2009


Come to this gathering of managers, specialists, and consultants looking to explore practically how to overcome the crises and challenges facing organizations today! This meeting will take place in an historic place of dialog of the world’s civilizations. This will be a time for engaging conversation, creating synergies, and developing  visions for companies and organizations. This will also be an opportunity for discovering new possibilities for internal and external personal development and growth.



13 November Friday -


weekend day in Jordan



5pm Departure on Royal Jordan Airlines from Moscow (Domodedovo Airport)



8pm Arrival in Amman, capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Queen Alia International Airport.


9:30pm Arrival at Amman hotel.


Welcoming of festival participants, reception.









Arrival in Amman


14 November



Birthday of King Hussein



Immersion into the time and space of five civilizations. A roadmap of the ocean of time.

Ammantravels through the eras of human history (Archeological Museum, Roman citadel, Byzantine churches, an Umayyad palace)

Madabaa city of ancient mosaics. A center for handicrafts, the first mosaic map of Jerusalem, the Holy Land, and holy places of the Mideast.


Mount Nebo: Opening the space of the festival of Civilizations. Orienteering in the Jordan River Valley and Dead Sea.

Creation of program. Working groups based on announced topics. Opening of the marketplace of ideas.





Photo and video session


Visit to workshops of handicraft schools


Beginning of production of illustrated Book of Ideas on Developing People and Companies


Guided tour in Russian and English.


Kempinski Hotel (5 stars)





15 November


Breakfast at hotel located by the Red Sea


Acquaintance with the desert moonscape of Vadi-Ram

Body, soul and spirit workshops.

Lunch under a tent in Vadi-Ram.

Further creative additions, thoughts, and plans for the Festival’s Book of Ideas.



Dinner at hotel by the Red Sea

Hang-gliding. Touring in Jeeps. Visit to workshop of ancient artist.

Travel in Desert kingdom


Photography and drawing

Rest by the sea

16 November


Breakfast at hotel by the Red Sea


Ancient Petra. Opening the space of culture of the Nabateans and Romans. Architecture of the stone city.

Working groups.

Inclusion of ideas in the Book of Ideas.


Rest by the sea


Tea at a Bedouin cafe

17 November


Akaba- a space for free trade in ideas and technologies.


Returning through the centuries to the Dead Sea.

Dinner at a hotel by the Dead Sea

Rest by the sea. Corral Reef.


Dead Sea Spa Hotel (4 stars)

Hotel Kempinski (5 stars)

18 November


Breakfast in hotel by the Dead Sea

River Jordan, site of the Baptimsm

Rest by the Dead Sea

Dinner at hotel by the Dead Sea


19 November

Breakfast at hotel by the Dead Sea

Dead Sea Museum

20 November


Breakfast at hotel by Dead Sea

Transfer from Dead Sea to Amman Airport

Departure for Moscow




стр.14 // ЦАРЬКОВА Галина
"Путь на Иордан": Программа Фестиваля Открытого Пространства
Фестиваль "Путь на Иордан". 13 – 20 ноября 2009 года

Иордания - Открытое Пространство

Путеводитель по Фестивалю креатива и релаксации "Путь на Иордан"

Иорданские пути исповедимы - все на фестиваль креатива и релаксации
Международный Фестиваль креатива и релаксации «Путь на Иордан» в стиле «открытое пространство» пройдет 13 – 20 ноября 2009 года.

Полное оглавление номера



Взгляд из Америки: очаги терактов по-прежнему имеют северокавказскую прописку
В докладе американского госдепартамента о распространении терроризма в мире в 2011 году, который ежегодно направляется в конгресс США, указывается на то, что очаг террористической опасности в России по-прежнему концентрируется на Северном Кавказе.

Атеисты и верующие – актуальное противостояние ХХI века
Закон, предполагающий уголовную ответственность за оскорбление чувств верующих и осквернение святынь, был внесен в Госдуму.

Казахстан: войска стреляют в мирных людей
Сегодня более 3000 человек собрались на мирный митинг на главной площади города в центре Жанаозеня.

Долг платежом красен
Конфликт с российским дипломатом произошел в провинции Конфликт с российским дипломатомв Китае. К нему применили насилие и задержали в одном из офисов во время оказания помощи двум российским гражданам. Последних, в свою очередь, из того же офиса уже пять дней не отпускают китайские партнеры.

Слушается дело об убийстве Свиридова
В Мосгорсуде слушается дело шести уроженцев Северного Кавказа, которые в ночь на 6 декабря затеяли на улице потасовку, в результате которой был убит болельщик московского «Спартака» Егор Свиридов.

Юрий Кукин
У каждого поколения должны быть свои герои. Это, конечно, громко сказано. Тем более, когда при упоминании таковых, в первую очередь, возникает специфический голос, нехитрых несколько аккордов под гитару и удивительное человеческое обаяние. Сразу вспоминается дурацкое: «Хороший парень – это не профессия».

Премия Леонида Вышеславского – А. Зараховичу и Г. Фальковичу.
В Киеве состоялось пятое по счету вручение уникальной поэтической премии имени Леонида Николаевича Вышеславского «Планета поэта» (русская и украинская номинации). Л.Н. Вышеславский – личность легендарная, человек, которому Григорий Петников в 1963 году передал звание «Председатель земного шара».

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